For sale

The house hit the market on Wednesday. We moved the cats and ourselves to a hotel Wednesday. It seemed to be the easiest way to handle that first rush of showings and open houses. Keeping the house in ‘showing condition’ and keeping evidence of the cats out of the house was going to be too… Continue reading For sale

Hello Amsterdam

If the travel gods are smiling on us we have arrived in Amsterdam. Over Christmas Paul and I were talking about how much more difficult it will be to travel to Europe once we move west. We decided we would try and pack in one more short trip across the ocean to take advantage of… Continue reading Hello Amsterdam

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

It’s a bit strange this year – usually I’d be cooking a fancy dinner for St. Patrick’s Day. Instead we’ll be on our first cross-Atlantic plane in four years. With everything that has been going on to get the house ready to list we haven’t spent as much time planning as we should have. Nonetheless,… Continue reading Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Categorised as Life Tagged

Happy International Women’s Day

Today we recognize the struggle, determination, and victories of generations of women and girls as they fight for a more equal world. Today we stand together. Now we need to work on the other 364 days . . . When women lead amazing things happen. Happy International Women’s Day.

Be prepared to be moved

This is a long weekend here in Ontario – the Family Day weekend. It makes for a nice mid-winter break for families to take it easy and enjoy time together. There is no taking it easy for Paul and I – the painter starts tomorrow. We are painting the three bedrooms that we have never… Continue reading Be prepared to be moved

Cat Food

We have two cats – Jake and Lucca. They have different approaches to food. Jake is like a Great Blue Whale slicing through a bed of krill, mouth wide open, sucking in everything in his wake. Lucca is more methodical, he likes to breath between mouth fulls of food. Jake finishes up first and shoves… Continue reading Cat Food