Thai carrot salad

My sister was in town last wee. I think she wanted to wander her old haunts one last time because after we move there will be nothing to draw her back here except for memories. While she was here I invited my cousin and his wife for dinner. Other than being just a good opportunity… Continue reading Thai carrot salad

Asparagus risotto

It’s asparagus season here in Ontario. One of my favourite times of the year. Asparagus is usually the first locally grown vegetables to hit the market and it signals lots of goodness to come. We’ve had asparagus in our CSA box for two weeks now and it has been delicious! One of my favourite things… Continue reading Asparagus risotto

Soba noodles with pork and shiitake mushrooms

In Asia this is a comfort food dish. This may seem odd to us with our different culinary traditions but trust me that you will indeed be comforted by this dish. When you taste this dish you’ll be impressed with the complexity of the flavours. This is odd given the sparsity of the ingredient list.… Continue reading Soba noodles with pork and shiitake mushrooms

Corsican Beef Stew

This is one of those long-cooking dishes that I love doing during the winter.  It’s not quite a stew and not quite a pasta. It is a plate of delicious comfort that will warm you on the coldest of nights. This is one of many versions of a pebronata, a Corsican daube or stew, which… Continue reading Corsican Beef Stew